smallbox_securityimages  Une nouvelle version de Sécurityimages est désormais disponible, sur le site de Walter Cédric.

"Solve RG Global emulation = off in Joomla! Previous version (<= 3.0.7) were not enable to run without RG_EMULATION = 0, this version does! Edit globals.php to turn Joomla! register_globals emulation off. Although Joomla! emulation is safer than the PHP register_globals directive, it's best not to allow register_globals at all. Beginning with PHP 6, this will not even be an option, and it's about time. Here's the correct setting for turning Joomla!'s register_globals emulation off: Quote define( 'RG_EMULATION', 0 ); Note that some extensions will not work correctly with register_globals emulation off: "

A propos de l'auteur
Stéphane Bourderiou
Nom: Stéphane Bourderiou
Fondateur des sites et SFK
Derniers articles de l'auteur

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