L'éditeur Packt Publishing vient d'annoncer ce 31 octobre, la seconde victoire consécutive de Joomla! à l'issue du concours 2007 du meilleur CMS Open Source.


  Joomla! is possibly one of the biggest success stories in open source of late. Its first release came in only September 2005 and since then has grown to be one of the most downloaded Content Management Systems on the web.

Joomla! Project Manager Johan Janssens said that adding this latest award to Joomla's steadily growing collection of prizes was recognition of the project as a whole.

"While I can't pretend to read judges minds, I'm sure Joomla's wealth of community and focus on creating the foundations of a next generation framework, demonstrated the true strengths of the project," he said.

In fact, the judges noted a number of factors that helped Joomla! secure the Award. Most notably its good front-end for administrators and end-users, which gives users a simple and traditional company website straight out of the box. In full agreement with Janssens, the judges commented on the size and responsiveness of the community as a massive strength, noting that it can identify potential problems and deal with them quickly.

Joomla! is also in the final five for the Overall Award, which is announced on Friday November



A propos de l'auteur
Stéphane Bourderiou
Nom: Stéphane Bourderiou
Fondateur des sites Aide-joomla.fr et SFK
Derniers articles de l'auteur

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