Nous attendions une version stable de Joomla! 1.5 , et ce sera pour le moment une nouvelle release candidate.

Just a week and a half ago people from all over the globe gathered in various locations to do a little Bug joomla_1.5_karibu_logoSquashing... today the fruits of their labour can be revealed as we announce the release of Joomla! 1.5 RC4.  This release is code named Karibu which is Swahili for nearby, close,  close by,  at hand... all terms that we feel reflect the nature of this release.

Karibu marks an important milestone in 1.5's development, as barring any major issues we believe it will be the last release candidate, with the next release being the big one... Joomla! 1.5 stable. When that happens will in part be influenced by the Joomla! community...


A propos de l'auteur
Stéphane Bourderiou
Nom: Stéphane Bourderiou
Fondateur des sites et SFK
Derniers articles de l'auteur

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