smallbox_securityimagesLa dernière version de SecurityImages vient de sortir.

Securityimages 4.0.0 release "enhanced Security "

This version is now running with:

    * PHP.ini safe mode ON
    * Joomla RG Global Emulation O
    * PHP.ini register global = Off

Bugs solved:
artf4021: php safe mode & com_securityimages
artf1411: Save setting button changes if config.securiyimages.php is not writable
artf4989: register_globals Off patch
artf3206: com_contact
artf2777: No text displayed in security Image 

API  changes
Will work only with new release of akcomment, akobook, etc...

Télécharger la version 4.0

Discuter de cette nouvelle version sur le Forum

A propos de l'auteur
Nom: yoman
Derniers articles de l'auteur

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