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Question [réglé] Java est compatible avec le seo de Joomla ?

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01 Fév 2011 13:39 - 17 Fév 2011 21:45 #1 par charnalt

je suis un vrai debutant dans la creation, gestion d'un site.
voila mon probleme
pour offrir aux moteurs de recherche j'ai du modifier le fichier htaccess
en ajoutant deux commande puis j'ai dans l'administraton de Joomla active
- URLs explicites (SEF)
- Utiliser le module Apachemod_rewrite (réécriture au "vol" des URLs

malheureusement lorsque j'entre dans mon site, celui-ci n'affiche plus mon petit enregistreur java, a la place il affiche une message d'erreur.
ce n'est pas un module, c est un logiciel qui n est pas specialement destine a joomla
si je desactive le seo joomla tout redevient normal.
que dois je faire ?

voila ce que j ai trouve sur le site du logiciel
j ai trouve ca sur leur site, mais je ne sais pas si c'est utile
ou la page :
* Create a Web page that contains the following components:
o The JavaScript for sending the voice recording to your PHP server side code, which will be created in the next step (shown lower in this web page)
+ The script executes the sendGongRequest function with the 'PostToForm' action. Please refer to the scripting page for details
+ The location of the destination backend program and the form parameter name of the file should be the ones to be used in the next step (shown lower in this web page)
o The NanoGong applet
+ Assign an id/name to the applet, which will be used in the JavaScript
o An HTML button for submitting voice recordings
+ Run JavaScript when it is clicked
* Below is an example of the Web page which:
o Uses 'receiver.php' (you can use a different filename) as the destination PHP file
o Sends the voice recording as a file upload with a parameter named voicefile

<html> <head> <title>Nang Example</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function submitVoice() { // Find the applet object var applet = document.getElementById("nang"); // Tell the applet to post the voice recording to the // backend PHP code var ret = applet.sendGongRequest( "PostToForm", "receiver.php", "voicefile", "", "temp"); if (ret == null || ret == "") alert("Failed to submit the voice recording!"); else alert("Voice recording has been submitted!"); } </script> </head> <body> <p>Please submit your voice using the Nang applet below.</p> <applet id="nang" archive="nang.jar" code="gong.Nang" width="180" height="40"></applet> <form> <input type="button" value="Submit!" onclick="submitVoice()" /> </form> </body> </html>

* Create a PHP program which does the following:
o Verify the uploaded file using the $_FILE variable and the is_uploaded_file function
o Move the uploaded file to a specific directory using the move_uploaded_file function
* The PHP program needs to have the same name used in the script of the HTML file. For example, in step 1 above the name 'receiver.php' is used, so you must store the following PHP code in a file with the same name
* Below is an example PHP code which:
o Checks the validity of the file upload named voicefile
o Then moves the file to the 'voice' directory using the current time value as the filename
o Prints 'success' if successful and prints nothing otherwise

<?php // Check validity of file upload if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES)) exit; // Move the file to the voice directory mkdir('voice', 0700); // Generate a filename using the time value $i = 0; do { if ($i > 0) sleep(1); $filename = 'voice/' . time() . '.wav'; $i++; } while ($i < 3 && file_exists($filename)); // try 3 times for unique // filename if (file_exists($filename) || !move_uploaded_file($_FILES, $filename)) exit; // Return the text 'success' to the JavaScript print "success"; ?>

* After you have the system described above working successfully all voice recordings submitted by the Nang applet will be stored in WAV format in a directory called 'voice'
* These voice recordings can be used in various ways, for example, if you want to you can load them back to the browser using a Nang applet so users can play them back and listen to them at slower/faster speeds, if desired
* To load a voice recording into a Nang applet you can make use of the 'SoundFileURL' parameter in HTML. Please refer to the Nang configuration for details
* Below is an example of the HTML parameters required to load a file called '12345678.wav' in the voice directory on the server into Nang in a web page

... <applet id="nang" archive="nang.jar" code="gong.Nang" width="180" height="40"> <param name="SoundFileURL" value="voice/12345678.wav"/> </applet> ...

est ce que cela peut aider a comprendre la raison du probleme ?
merci a tous
Dernière édition: 17 Fév 2011 21:45 par lavsteph. Raison: sujet réglé
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16 Fév 2011 09:06 #2 par charnalt
Réponse de charnalt sur le sujet Re: Java est compatible avec le seo de Joomla ?
le probleme est regle, le lien vers l application a du être modifie.
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17 Fév 2011 21:45 #3 par lavsteph
Réponse de lavsteph sur le sujet Re: Java est compatible avec le seo de Joomla ?

je clos donc le sujet ;)
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