Question mise à jour composant puis erreur Failed to parse the XML Update File

  • tonnerria
  • Portrait de tonnerria Auteur du sujet
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  • Membre platinium
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15 Mar 2013 18:32 #13 par tonnerria

bon alors là, j'ai fais de sacrés progrès, j'ai réussi à migrer mon virtuemart 1 vers virtuemart 2 (sur site miroir), c'est déjà pas mal.

**néanmoins, mes images n'y étaient pas, mais j'ai supposé que le déplacement de "shop_images" du composant virtuemart n'a pas été déplacé au bon endroit. Je tente de résoudre en plaçant les images (via ftp) sur images/stories/virtuemart, mais j'avoue me mêler un peu les pinceaux, on verra, je vous en redirai des nouvelles.

**aussi, mes commandes, manquent, comment celà se fait-il?

** et dois-je supprimer le dossier "install" dans /com_virtuemart?

c'est à peu près tout ce que je viens de relever

si vous avez la moindre idée, pas d'hésitation!

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  • tonnerria
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  • Membre platinium
  • Membre platinium
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15 Mar 2013 18:38 #14 par tonnerria
ah oui, j'oubliai j'ai eu l'erreur suivante lors de la fin de la migration virtuemart:

Start with a new migration process and setup log maxScriptTime 287 maxMemoryLimit 716.8
Synchronisé 9 des médias pour product dans images/stories/virtuemart/product/ répertoire
Synchronisé 4 des médias pour category dans images/stories/virtuemart/category/ répertoire
Synchronisé 1 des médias pour manufacturer dans images/stories/virtuemart/manufacturer/ répertoire
Synchronisé 1 des médias pour vendor dans images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/ répertoire
Processed 3 vm1 shoppergroups time: 0.00233507156372
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 306 categories
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 306 categories xref
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 1 manufacturer categories
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 1 manufacturers
Found 3235 vm1 products to import
Worked on migration for 26.1467030048 seconds
Migration finished

shopper_group_name n'est pas unique, ajouté de nombres aléatoires
vmError: port shoppers db error FUNCTION utilisateur_basededonnee .ISNULL does not exist SQL=SELECT `p`.*,`ui`.*,`svx`.*,`aug`.*,`ag`.*,`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id FROM jos_users AS `p` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_user_info AS `ui` ON `ui`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_shopper_vendor_xref AS `svx` ON `svx`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_user_group AS `aug` ON `aug`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_group AS `ag` ON `ag`.group_id = `aug`.group_id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_vmusers AS `vmu` ON `vmu`.virtuemart_user_id = `p`.id WHERE ISNULL (`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id) LIMIT 0,70000
vmError: port shoppers db error SELECT `p`.*,`ui`.*,`svx`.*,`aug`.*,`ag`.*,`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id FROM jos_users AS `p` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_user_info AS `ui` ON `ui`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_shopper_vendor_xref AS `svx` ON `svx`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_user_group AS `aug` ON `aug`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_group AS `ag` ON `ag`.group_id = `aug`.group_id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_vmusers AS `vmu` ON `vmu`.virtuemart_user_id = `p`.id WHERE ISNULL (`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id) LIMIT 0,70000
vmError: port ST addresses db error FUNCTION utilisateur_basededonnee .ISNULL does not exist SQL=SELECT `ui`.* FROM jos_vm_user_info as `ui` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_userinfos as `vui` ON `vui`.`virtuemart_user_id` = `ui`.`user_id` WHERE `ui`.`address_type` = "ST" AND ISNULL (`vui`.`virtuemart_user_id`) LIMIT 0,70000
vmError: port ST addresses db error SELECT `ui`.* FROM jos_vm_user_info as `ui` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_userinfos as `vui` ON `vui`.`virtuemart_user_id` = `ui`.`user_id` WHERE `ui`.`address_type` = "ST" AND ISNULL (`vui`.`virtuemart_user_id`) LIMIT 0,70000
vmError: port Orders db error FUNCTION utilisateur_basededonnee .ISNULL does not exist SQL=SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2` FROM `jos_vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `jos_vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE ISNULL (o2.order_number) LIMIT 0,69100
vmError: port Orders db error SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2` FROM `jos_vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `jos_vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE ISNULL (o2.order_number) LIMIT 0,69100
Info: Processed 0 vm1 users time: 2.14576721191E-6
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category
Info: Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

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17 Mar 2013 21:43 - 17 Mar 2013 21:44 #15 par lavsteph
Bonsoir Nath,

comme tu le sais je ne suis pas un spécialiste de Virtuemart :blush: , je vais juste me contenter de te donner une piste quant à ton soucis :
Dernière édition: 17 Mar 2013 21:44 par lavsteph.

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