Question english text correction

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21 Mar 2008 00:42 #1 par obviousa
english text correction a été créé par obviousa
BONJOUR, je ne sais pas si je suis sur le bon forum anglais francais, j'aurais voulu une correction sur une question in english**VOICI LA QUESTION j ai une autre question ,oui TO WHAT EXTENT ARE THEIR LIVES " lives" down to " new leisured class? 30 MOTS


Lynn Kidder had two jobs _computer programming and teaching the piano. She and her husband earned 2,700 a month, but there were too busy to be happy it. Lynn wanted to play the piano, not teach it. SO, they took a course in voluntary simplicity. They learned how to cut their spending and make the most of their savings. After four years of voluntary simplicity, they gave up all their jobs and joined the new leisured class.

The newly leisured call themselves downshifters. Nobody knows how many there are, or whether insecurity, stress or ecological concern is their main motive. But Lynn Kidder is sure the movment is “speading wildly, recognised as a smarter way to live. You make space in your life for what you really car about”.

The apprentice downsizer’s firts task its’Find out how much money you have earned in your life and compare it with what you’ve got now” . Step 2 is to work out your net hourly wage, keep track of every cent you spend and ask: “Did I get fulfilment, satisfaction or value in proportion to the energy spent? Souldn’t I choose quality of life over standard of living”

The advice is:buy what you need and don’t go”shopping”; service your appliances, do it yourself, buy in on sales_provided it’s something your really need or want, buy used; don’t go into debt on credit cards, walk and cycle.

Downshifters predict that a less consumerist future will restore a sense of community. As the movment spreads, there will be more people per household goods, , more coorporation in repairing household goods, more car pools and tool sharing. Through simple living people are not-dropping out,they are actually dropping in: to community, to family, to relashionships.

Refugees from hzrd life find work better on the other side. At Charlene MacMahonwrote in “the SEATTLE’S SIMPLE LIVING “NEWSLETTER:
“when you simplify your life, you do fewer of the things yyou don’t like to do. Your nurture only those people and relashionships which enhance your life. This is not about deprivation_this is about choice”

, WALTER SCHVARZ? , in the garden weekly

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